Brave Birth Collective

Brave Birth Collective is a supportive community for all things pregnancy, birth, and new parenthood.

From childbirth education to community support, we offer non-judgmental, evidence-based information, respectful and compassionate professional resources, and a community of parents who have been there.

Creating an Identity

I started with the concept of the three paths or steps they focus on as parts of the whole experience; Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum. With their original sketches, I showed them variations on the concept, merging at different points.
After exploring their thoughts, a Sankofa bird, and a few others, they liked the look of an abstracted solid B. Using the 3 letters in their name, I first filled the letter B, then used a line to create negative space, effectively adding a path, and doubling the look of the letter. I then used a very large letter C to create another pathway that met with the better. These shapes were then abstracted further to look like stones with paths between them and space surrounding them.

The Website

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